
Hey, I'm Mitch. I'm a product founder with a focus on design, technology, and culture.

I co-founded Mappedin, Fandrop, was Head of Product Eng. at Orium, first full time hire at Composable, and I've helped build a handful of other teams and products in my role as founder at Human.

Thinking in Public

Speaking and writing publicly about digital products and entrepreneurship.


It’s amazing what a good set of constraints can do for your design collaboration and reviews. Knowing the boundaries of a problem can be the difference between a design that fails in testing, and one that passes with clear and meaningful justification.

After years of self-tracking, I’ve found that the more passive a tracking process is, the more likely you are to derive value from it. Early on, it’s easy to get excited about your data and put in the work to keep active processes going, but as your stack matures, you realize how much more value there is in your passive measurements.

[...] Incredibly, the lobby was the result of a last-minute fix to an odd bug. It had left an impact that we could never have expected. It gave us a space to share our thoughts and a chance to share our excitement at a time when we’re all separated. The experience convinced me once again that nothing will teach you more about a product than launching it.


Main Stage Speaker

Elevate 2022

September 2022

Guest Judge

Startup Night

Schulich Business

March 2018

Site Visit Speaker

Designing Big Interfaces

Fluxible 2017

September 2017

Speaker, Real Estate

Product Hunt Toronto

November 2015


CUTC Foundation

May 2015


tsp Weekly

April 2015

Open Source

Developing tools for rapid real-time application and interface development.

const ownBooks = useCollection<Book>(
uid => query(
collection(firestore, 'books'),
where('authorId', '==', uid)


A set of patterns that will help you build powerful and consistent developer experiences with Firebase on React Web and Native.

View on Github
Try it out!


A UI kit for design-minded developers. It provides consistent theme and component support across React Web & Native projects.

View on Github

Design for a range of mediums including web, audio, video, large-format, 3D, text, and print.

Hotter / Colder Search Experiment

2017 • FramerJS

Recommended Wines

Recommended Wines

2019 • Sketch

Map Suggestions

Map Suggestions

2017 • Cinema 4D / Sketch

Kiosk Render

Kiosk Render

2015 • Cinema 4D

Device Specifications

Device Specifications

2015 • Indesign

Grid Snapping Tiles

2017 • FramerJS